As part of Industry 4.0, the introduction of digital technologies on industrial sites goes toward making factories ‘smart’. The aim is to enable industrial facilities to manage their resources and processes in a more optimised and automated way, thanks in particular to the connectivity of equipment or ‘IoT’ (Internet of Things).
Among the technologies needed to help industrial sites evolve in this way, the deployment of location-based solutions is essential. Responding to the challenges of intelligent plant management and industrial performance requires real-time data on the position of equipment , goods, vehicles and operators (or data recording for later analysis). At the same time, such location-based data can help to better address work safety issues.
In this article, we explore the needs, challenges and solutions associated with precision positioning in the context of industrial sites, for the purposes of operational optimisation, intelligent site management and safety at work.
The stakes of precision positioning for Industry 4.0
Optimising flows and processes
Precision positioning can be used as a tool to optimise production flows or operations (maintenance, technical stoppages) by enabling efficient management of equipment on an industrial site. Thanks to localisation systems, it is possible to check the position of machines, tools, parts in the production flow or even vehicles or autonomous robots in real time.
This allows to quickly identify bottlenecks in manufacturing processes, and to optimise the routes taken by operators or vehicles, in order to save time.
Traceability and real-time control
These localisation systems also make it possible to track equipment and respond to the challenges of real-time site control and management issues. Tracking systems make it possible to monitor each tool and quickly locate the specific equipment needed for a particular operation.
In turn, one can supervise operations remotely and have an overall view of the site at any given moment. Over time, equipment and vehicle location data can be used to gain a better understanding of on-site flows and movements. This data is essential for defining optimisations.
Safety and risk prevention
The introduction of precision localisation systems helps meet new safety requirements on industrial sites. With the emergence of robotics and autonomous vehicles, it becomes essential to have accurate collision avoidance systems. The aim is to enable robots, autonomous vehicles and humans to operate more smoothly by knowing their respective positions.
Location technology can therefore also be integrated into employee safety systems. One can enhance employee safety by employing a precise indoor/outdoor localisation system for man down devices or lone worker alarm systems. Thanks to this, the Lone Worker Alarm System can not only detect incidents but also locate employees in distress, so that they can be attended to as quickly as possible.
Managing critical situations
In emergency situations, it is vital to be able to quickly locate equipment such as firefighting gear or first-aid equipment. This is a particular problem at SEVESO facilities, where employees are particularly exposed to high-risk situations. Visualizing the position of gear needed for crisis management makes it easier and more efficient to manage these emergency situations. Similarly, checking the position of employees makes it easier to evacuate people and ensure their safety in the event of an incident.
The challenges of precision positioning on industrial sites
Complex environments and indoor/outdoor location issues
Industrial environments present major challenges for the implementation of precision positioning systems. These sometimes complex sites require both indoor and outdoor location infrastructure. GPS signals, which work well outdoors, have little or no penetration inside buildings and can be totally distorted by signal bounces aka multipath.
In addition, the metal structures typical of most industrial sites generate electromagnetic interference that makes localisation particularly complex inside buildings.
SYSNAV’s GPS-independent localisation solution is the perfect answer to these problems.
See our dedicated article: Why GNSS and GPS Do Not Function Properly Indoors
Network coverage
Another major challenge is the need for good network coverage on industrial sites. Location sensors need network connectivity to send back data. In many industrial environments, network coverage can be insufficient, making it difficult to track equipment in real time. Private 5G networks offer the promise of efficient indoor and outdoor coverage with high availability and low latency, but such deployments are still limited.
3D precision
The need for high accuracy makes three-dimensional positioning essential, particularly in buildings with storeys, high structures or basements. Reliable measurement of height (relative or absolute) is therefore a key challenge for the positioning system.
Installation and maintenance costs
Implementing precision positioning systems can require heavy investment. The integration of these technologies often requires fixed infrastructures (beacons, antennas, etc.) to be powered and connected, which are costly in terms of maintenance over and above their installation cost. What’s more, training staff in the use of these infrastructures can also generate significant costs. Companies therefore need to assess the return on investment of these systems before deciding to deploy them.
Comparison of precision positioning technologies
GNSS positioning
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems, such as GPS, are often sufficient for outdoor positioning. Although they offer good accuracy in open environments, their effectiveness diminishes considerably indoors and in the immediate vicinity of buildings. As a result, it cannot be categorized as precision positioning. What’s more, these signals can be jammed or decoyed, which can rule out the use of GNSS for critical sites.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
BLE tags are small antennae that emit low-power signals. Using a network of beacons, it is possible to determine the location of a tagged device with reasonable accuracy. These tags are easy to install and can be used in a variety of industrial environments.
However, accurate location can only be achieved if a large number of beacons are installed, making this a cumbersome and costly solution in terms of maintenance and installation. What’s more, this technology is highly sensitive to interference and workshop reconfigurations. This solution is therefore unsuitable for industrial sites.
RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)
There are RFID systems based on gantries that detect the passage of passive tags by supplying them with the energy they need to respond. This is frequently used for tracking in warehouses. Other systems, known as active RFID, use tags that transmit autonomously and can be picked up by a mesh of antennae located up to a few dozen metres away.
RFID is a good solution for counting or detecting people passing through a specific point, for example in warehouses, especially as passive RFID tags do not require a power supply and have a very low cost per unit. On the other hand, their range is limited and they are highly sensitive to interference. So it’s not a technology that can equip an entire site to provide real-time information.
Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB)
Locating systems using UWB technology use radio signals to determine the position of objects. These devices work by means of fixed beacons that emit pulses and receivers placed on the objects that pick up the signals. By measuring the time taken for the signals to be received by the various beacons, the solution makes it possible to position the objects precisely with the receivers by triangulating their position.
However, this highly accurate three-dimensional positioning technology requires the installation of dense and costly infrastructures to operate correctly.
Inertial navigation systems
Inertial navigation systems, based on inertial measurement units, measure movements and can therefore determine the position of a device by reconstructing its trajectory in relation to a fixed point. They are often coupled with other localisation technologies, such as visual recognition in the case of autonomous vehicles and robots.
This technology therefore operates without any external infrastructure, enabling equipment to be located indoors and outdoors, and in three dimensions. This makes them particularly useful in environments where other localisation technologies fail.
How do you choose a high-performance localisation system for your site?
There are a number of criteria you can use to determine which solution is best suited to your localisation needs:
– The number and type of equipment you need to locate (vehicles, tools, robots, safety equipment, etc.)
– The number of staff to be equipped and their type of activity (lone working, etc.)
– The type of working environment: indoor or outdoor only, and its complexity (floors, underground spaces, high structures, etc.)
– The size of the site (to determine the cost of infrastructure installation in particular)
– Available communication networks (WiFi, 4G, private 5G, etc.)
– The location accuracy required
– The available budget, which can be a limiting factor.
So you need to determine the scope of your location requirements: are you looking to locate people, security equipment or vehicles? The devices deployed will vary according to the use you have in mind. In addition, the need for greater or lesser precision will determine the most appropriate solution in terms of the infrastructure required to achieve that precision.
What’s more, the choice of solution will largely depend on the configuration of your site and the network(s) available. Depending on the size and complexity of the site, some solutions may be too costly and complex to install and maintain.
The available network will also be a decisive factor, as some infrastructures or systems will not be compatible with your site’s communications network. So it’s a question of reconciling your localisation precision requirements with the specific features of your site and the budget available.
Precision positioning is one of the major IoT technologies of Industry 4.0. Because it helps address the challenges of productivity and competitiveness, as well as environmental and safety issues, this technology is a perfect fit with today’s industrial revolution.
Choosing a solution tailored to your needs and constraints will enable you to continue your transition to a ‘smarter’ and more responsible factory.
Find out more about our localisation solutions: seePersonnel Positioning.